Accepting Payment
How to accept differing payment methods, cash, eftpos and split payments in PushPOS.
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How to accept differing payment methods, cash, eftpos and split payments in PushPOS.
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Blue rectangle: Ordered items screen Red rectangle: Form of payment panel Green rectangle: Payment panel
Cash payment: 1) Check Ordered items screen to see all ordered items are correct 2) Select cash payment in red rectangle 3) Type amount paid by customer on Numbers Pad or press the note or coin button 4) Press DONE 5) Cash drawer will open and change money will be displayed on the screen Non-integrated Eftpos payment: 1) Check Ordered items screen to see all ordered items 2) Select EFTPOS 3) Choose card type 4) If customer would like to give a tip, type the total amount on the Numbers Pad 5) Press DONE
Integrated Eftpos payment and Cash-out: 1) Check Ordered items screen to see all ordered items are correct 2) Select EFTPOS 3) If customer would like to give a tip, type the total amount on the NumPad 4) Press ACTIVATE EFTPOS button 5) Follow instructions on the screen
Note: If there is a problem with connection between POS system and Eftpos terminal you can press MANUAL EFTPOS button and enter the Total amount manually on the EFTPOS terminal
Split payment:
1) Check Ordered items 2) Select Split Payment 3) Type cash amount on the Numbers pad. The cash amount will be visible in CASH table 4) Card payable amount (difference from total amount) is calculated in CARD table 5) Select type of the card or Activate Eftpos and follow the instructions 6) Press DONE
Discount Screen Discount Screen is accessible only from Settle Screen. There are two options how to add discount. First by preset coupons. Second by manual discount panel witch is accessible only by managers. Coupons: Red rectangle To add Discount Coupon to the order press desired coupon. You can add only one coupon at the same time. Manual Discount: Green rectangle
1) Type the value of the discount 2) Select type of the discount by pressing $ button for exact amount or % button for percentage discount 3) Press ADD SALE All added discounts will be visible in the Ordered items screen in blue rectangle. You can delete the discount by selecting it in the Ordered items screen and pressing DELETE button.
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