Manager Interface
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At the end of the day you should count cash in the cash drawer. On the left screen you can see drawer start amount, No sale transactions, number of cash transactions and total amount of all cash transactions. Any amount that is owed by employee, for example driver is still on delivery or didn’t settle their cash deliveries, will be displayed but will not count in total until it is settled in Employees tab.
We recommend to print the report before counting money in the drawer
Press COUNT DRAWER button to reset the drawer. Then you can compare actual amount in drawer with the one in the system. Then you will be asked to insert new start amount.
To access any report select date and the desired report type.
To see today’s report during the day before performing End of Day press TODAY BEFORE END OF DAY button.
After running End of Day, report is saved and can be accessed by pressing any historical button. Any report can be printed by pressing Print button.
There are two basic types of reports:
Current (period from last End of Day to now before running End of day)
History (all saved data from previous End of Day reports)
In this menu you can see employee’s hours worked and all drivers liabilities.
Press Edit to adjust employee’s worked hours. Then you can set check in/out time. Press save to save changes. You can adjust hours only before you run End of Day
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Employee is checked out. You can adjust employees worked hours by pressing this button.
Employee is checked in. You can adjust their worked hours by pressing this button.
This button is visible when driver is owing money to cash drawer. Press the button to settle all deliveries.