Settings and Back Office
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Type Company name, phone, address and additional info and press “Save” to save it. All informations will be printed on customer receipt. Press “Upload” and select file with your logo image to add company logo. Image file has to be black and white Bitmap image (.bmp). Recommended resolution is 640x480 pixels.
PushPOS can use up to six printers. To Add printer type the printer name as is in Windows, tick “Main” if it is for customer receipts and is connected to the cash drawer.
Preparation printers can’t have “Main” tick in.
Tick “Cutter” if the printer support auto cutter function.
You can also choose number of copies for each printer.
To automatically print customer receipt after pressing “Accept” in order menu tick in “Order menu button enable”
To automatically print customer receipt after settling the order tick in “Settle menu button enable”
You can set approximate preparation times for each order type. Also enter delivery and Split item fee and minimum delivery price. Auto log off time can be adjusted or turned on or off. Press “SAVE” to save it.
To understand terms used in Back Office menu we recommend having a good look at below example. This is a pizzeria set up, it may not be relevant to your business but it is an easy to understand example.
All items can be divided into groups called Menu Group (yellow rectangle) You can add Menu Options (red rectangle) and Modifiers (second picture below) to any item. Items that has Menu Options (red rectangle) can have Split Menu (green rectangle)
Yellow rectangle: Menu Group Panel
Red rectangle: Menu Options Panel
Green rectangle: Split Menu Panel
Blue rectangle: Menu Item Panel
Red rectangle: First Modifier Group Name
Green rectangle: First Modifier Item Panel
Blue rectangle: Second Modifier Options Panel
To Change Client ID go to “Settings / General”. You have to be connected to the internet to be able to change Client ID. Enter your Client ID and press “Check”. Colour of the input fields will change to green if the Client ID is correct.
To select type of industry where you want to use the WPOS system go to “Settings / General”. Changing WPOS type will affect printer settings and order types in Home Screen
To set up rounding go to “Settings / General”. For any changes you have made press “Save” to save it
To change or add banknotes and coins used in Settle Screen go to “Settings / Cash”.
Select “New Amount”, type the value of your new banknote or coin and press “Add”. Select new value added, click in Active tick box to activate it. You can change the colour of the button. You can also change position by pressing buttons UP or DOWN.
For any changes you have made press “Save” to save it.
To change or add preset void type go to “Settings / Void”. Type the void name and press “Add”.
Select the new void name and click in Active tick box to activate it. You can change the colour of the button. You can also change position by pressing buttons UP or DOWN.
For any changes you have made press “Save” to save it.
Non-integrated EFTPOS
To change or add new type of credit card used in Settle Screen go to “Settings / EFTPOS”.
Select “New Name” to type in the name of your new card and press “Add”
Select the new card and click in Active tick box to activate it. You can change the colour of the button and set surcharge. You can also change position by pressing buttons UP or DOWN.
For any changes you have made press “Save” to save it.
Integrated EFTPOS
Select your Eftpos provider from drop-down menu. For EFTPOS from major banks select PCEFTPOS. For Tyro select TYRO.
When using Tyro integrated terminals you can select tax on card surcharges (Consult with your accountant). Card surcharges can be set on Tyro terminal.
For any changes you have made press “Save” to save it.
Note: All integrated terminals have to be installed in Windows. How to install Eftpos terminal on Windows please refer to links below
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